Helping Older People 

New Forest

Support • Befriending • Wellbeing

We are HOPe New Forest, a charity dedicated to improving the wellbeing of older people.

How we make a difference

We’re providing free impartial advice and information on matters affecting older people.

We’re helping to tackle loneliness with our free befriending service.

We’re raising money by selling donated items in our fantastic charity shops.

From 139 free Support home visits and more than £88k in savings made, to over 40 befriending matches and 1,482 free befriending hours provided to clients, take a look at our impressive progress so far this year.

You can make a difference too! 

Consider joining our team as a volunteer, making a donation, or even leaving us a gift in your Will

However you choose to help us, you can be sure that you will have a positive impact on the lives of older people in the New Forest area.